In a time where climate change and urban expansion continue to challenge our existing infrastructure, managing wastewater efficiently is not merely a legal obligation. It is an environmental stewardship.

Our cooperation with Bratislava Water Company (BVS) exemplifies a remarkable stride towards smart and sustainable wastewater management through the deployment of IoT (Internet of Things) sensors, particularly MERATCH and Corvus (IoT connectivity router).

Understanding The Challenge

Urban wastewater, if not managed properly, can become a source of significant pollution, risking both human health and the environment. It often contains harmful bacteria, viruses, nitrogen, phosphorus, and other pollutants that can adversely affect our rivers and lakes. The European Union’s Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD) mandates a structured approach towards wastewater treatment. Such regulation ensures a high level of organic pollution removal and a reduction in nitrogen and phosphorus to mitigate the risk of algal blooms, especially in larger urban areas connected to sensitive water bodies.

The Slovakian Context: A Glimpse into the Current State

In Slovakia, the daily generation of wastewater from 356 urban areas stands at a staggering 4.2 million population equivalent (p.e.), which equates to around 8 million bathtubs or 0.83 million m³. To mitigate environmental pollution, it’s imperative to treat this wastewater prior to discharge. The nation has taken strides towards this necessity, with 266 treatment plants scattered across its terrain, meticulously processing urban wastewater before releasing it back into the environment. (Source: Water Information System for Europe)

Recent data published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) reveals a promising yet varied landscape of wastewater management across Europe. About 90% of urban wastewater are collected and treated in line with the EU UWWTD. Countries like Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands have achieved a remarkable 100% compliance rate with the Directive’s requirements. On the flip side, a few nations including Ireland, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, and Malta, showcase compliance in less than half of their urban areas, indicating substantial room for improvement.

Our Game-Changing Solution: MERATCH and Corvus

MERATCH IoT sensors stand out as precise tools in this challenging terrain. Deployed across multiple locations in Bratislava, these radar-based sensors continuously monitor wastewater levels, transmitting real-time data that empowers operators to manage wastewater releases optimally according to environmental guidelines.

In the pursuit of seamless data transmission, the role of CORVUS is indispensable. This repeater device facilitates the transfer of information from MERATCH sensors especially in areas where direct signal coverage is lacking. Be it shafts, channels, or underground spaces, CORVUS ensures that the data from MERATCH devices is conveyed accurately, overcoming the constraints posed by such challenging environments. Through this synergy between CORVUS and MERATCH, we are able to maintain a consistent flow of critical data, making our wastewater management solution robust and reliable, even in the most demanding of circumstances.

Real-time data access via a web interface or an application is a paradigm shift from the erstwhile approach of rough estimations, ensuring legal compliance while significantly mitigating environmental risks.

Implementation in Bratislava Water Company (BVS)

The fruitful collaboration with BVS has transformed traditional wastewater management into a smart, data-driven operation in multiple locations in Bratislava (Podunajské Biskupice – both banks of the small Danube river, Lafranconi Bridge). With instant access to critical data, operators can effectively manage wastewater releases. In the face of non-standard situations, the real-time notifications sent out by MERATCH enable prompt actions, significantly reducing response time and ensuring the protection of local water ecosystems.

By implementing the MERATCH solution at the Bratislava Water Company, we gained immediate access to data, and in case of non-standard situations, we are immediately notified and can take necessary measures. In terms of regular monitoring, there has been a significant shift towards its accuracy and relevance.

Wastewater division director, bvs

Benefits and Added Value

MERATCH is more than a technological solution; it’s a stride toward sustainable wastewater management. With precise, reliable real-time data at their fingertips, operators can now manage wastewater in an environmentally compliant manner. The ease of notifications for various scenarios, coupled with the wireless technology, underscores the simplicity and effectiveness of MERATCH. Additionally, it contributes significantly to achieving the broader European wastewater treatment goals.

The deployment of MERATCH IoT sensors in BVS transcends traditional wastewater management approaches, illustrating a significant leap towards leveraging technology to foster environmental compliance and safeguard our precious water resources. The use case of BVS stands as a promising testament to what can be achieved with the right blend of technology, collaboration, and a steadfast commitment to environmental sustainability.